SIUH Radiology Residency
Plain Films / Fluoroscopy - Dr. Harfouch - 12 weeks
During this rotation, the resident becomes experienced in performing and interpreting a variety of fluoroscopic procedures, including esophagrams, upper GI studies, small bowel follow-through, barium enemas, hysterosalpingograms, retrograde urethrograms, cystograms and t-tube cholangiograms.
Thoracic Radiology - Dr. Lowry - 8 weeks
As a first year resident, the focus of this rotation is on becoming proficient at interpreting chest X-rays. Chest CT studies, as well as PE studies, are read as the resident progresses in training. CT lung cancer screening is also incorporated into this rotation.
Cardiac Radiology - Dr. Mehta - 8 weeks
During this rotation, the resident is exposed to CTA Cardiac studies as well as cardiac MRIs. A large number of studies are read from the emergency department as well as inpatient services. Cardiac radiology involves directing and interpreting performance of cardiac CT and MRI. It is possible for the resident to obtain a level III certification if he/she chooses to complete a mini-fellowship in fourth year.
Body imaging - Dr. Hayim - 12 weeks
The resident is responsible for reading most CT studies performed in the ER during the day. As Staten Island University Hospital is a Level I trauma center, residents become proficient in all trauma emergencies. In addition to routine studies, senior residents will become familiar with MRCP, CT urograms, MR enterography/defacograph, and other advanced MR imaging (such as prostate, female pelvis, and rectal).
Nuclear Medicine/PET imaging - Dr. Brenner - 16 weeks
This department performs all types of nuclear studies, including HIDA scans, V-Q scans, GI bleeding scans, bone scans, WBC scans, gallium scans, indium scans, cardiac studies, thyroid scans and ablation, and renal studies. Localization of sentinel nodes prior to breast surgery is also performed. At our outpatient center, residents interpret PET-CT scans.
Neuroradiology - Dr. Raden - 12 weeks
First year residents will focus on the interpretation of CT scans of the head to prepare for independent call. Subsequently, residents will learn advanced CT/MR covering all aspects of brain, spine, and head and neck imaging. Lumbar punctures and CT myelograms under fluoroscopic guidance are routinely performed.
Ultrasound - Dr. Hayim - 8 weeks
This rotation exposes the resident to a large range of ultrasound examinations. In addition to interpreting the studies, residents are expected to work with the technologists to become comfortable in scanning patients themselves.
Pediatrics - Dr. Gokli - 12 weeks
In addition to interpreting all pediatric studies performed in the hospital, the resident will gain experience in performing fluoroscopy studies (barium enema, small-bowel series, VCUG, cystograms) as well as ultrasound studies (spine, cerebral, hips). Residents participate in interdisciplinary rounds with the pediatric department to review NICU and floor patient studies daily.
Musculoskeletal Imaging - Dr. Lin - 12 weeks
First year residents will focus on interpreting plain radiographs in the emergency and outpatient setting. More senior residents focus on CT and MR imaging and procedures such as arthrograms and joint injections, primarily in the outpatient setting.
Interventional Radiology - Dr. Gallo - 12 weeks
This busy department performs numerous interventional procedures, including mesenteric angiograms, renal angiograms, radio- and chemo-embolizations, uterine artery embolizations, TIPS, nephrostomy and ureteral stent placement, lower extremity angiograms, venograms, chemotherapy/dialysis catheter, PICC placements, and CT guided biopsies and drainages.
ESIR trainees: In the final year of DR residency, the resident will participate in an additional five months of interventional radiology as well as additional IR related rotations such as ICU, gastroenterology and cardiology.
Breast imaging - Dr. Kwok - 12 weeks
The resident will spend his/her time in the Breast Imaging Center learning to interpret screening and diagnostic mammograms, ultrasounds and MRIs of the breast. The resident will also learn to perform breast biopsy procedures.
Night float / Emergency Radiology - 13 weeks
Night float begins in the second year. Overnight, an in-house overnight attending is available to assist the resident. An ultrasound technologist is in-house 24/7 to perform all ultrasound studies.
Obstetrics and Gynecology / Vascular Ultrasound - 4 weeks
Residents rotate with obstetricians at the OB ultrasound clinic where they observe and monitor the technologists through the examination and shadow the obstetrician for the patient encounter/consultation.
During the Vascular Ultrasound portion of the rotation, residents monitor the scanning performed by the vascular technologists and record the findings on each case. Residents are encouraged to perform the vascular scan by themselves to gain ultrasound hands-on skills.